it’s time

Level 2

** Fully Booked **

Crystal Workshop

sound bath

I invite you to journey into world of clear energy, pure purpose and healing by experiencing the world of crystals.

 This workshop is designed to deepen your knowledge so you can step into the space of a master healer. You will learn how to create and strengthen sacred space with the elements, angels, ancestors and spirit guides.

We look at the human anatomy and the various parts of the body affected by energy healing, expand the teachings into the 13 chakras and the different energy fields that surround the human body, and how to protect yourself when working in other realms, sacred geometry and much more.

At the end of the second day, we close the circle with gratitude and blessing, asking for continued support on your journey as a practitioner and sending energy around the world to all other healers. In this way, we not only start healing ourselves, we also help heal the earth.

Day One Topics:


Sage, Sacred Drum Ceremony, Calling in the Elements


Exploring and setting sacred place Connecting to Crystal Divas and personal journey with them


What is Mer-ka-bah


Sacred Geometry, crystals and their use


Connection with expanded Chakra System


Expansion of Chakra healing layouts and their use


Step by step Advance Chakra Healing

Day Two Topics:


Connecting Crystals with Angelic and other Realms


Exploring different options with Crystal Healings


Exploring different options with Earth Healings


Releasing negative energies


Connecting Body, Mind and Soul


Letting go and Releasing


Practical Sessions: Closing Ceremony and Blessing

This is for people who:


Have completed Level 1 and want further knowledge and development


May want to pursue a career in healing and crystals


Feel drawn to working with crystal energy and want to enhance their skills and confidence in working with crystals


Feel they have a strong connection with crystals and would like to further explore and deepen this connection


Want to learn about the science behind the power of crystals


Are seeking to connect with others who share their passion

What you will learn:


Creating and strengthening sacred space with the elements, angels, ancestors and spirit guides


The basics of human anatomy and the areas of the body affected by energy healing


How to assess chakras and create chakra packs to provide the perfect balance of energies needed


The teachings of the 13 chakras and different energy fields that surround the human body so you can clear all aspects


How to expand the representation of the energy of crystals


Sacred geometry and the master crystals as well as safely travelling through other realms

Book Now!

Fully Booked



Saturday & Sunday

10th & 11th June 2023

10am to 5pm


Exchange: $444



Blazenka 0411 286 265

to book your spot.


About Ivana

Ivana Iyanifa is a Modern Day Medicine Women for the Soul, Ifa Priestess, Womb Awakening & Womb Massage Practitioner, Accredited Crystal Healer Teacher. Her passion is to see women embrace themselves fully without judgement and come to the space of unconditional love of self.

Over the last 12 years she have been journeying and training with many mentors in different fields of spirituality across different modalities and places across the world. The latest training was through Institute of Feminine Arts where my own deep resonance with divine feminine and reconnection with ancient ways of the Womb was restored. There is a resonance field that connects us all in the most sacred ways and the ones being called to Ivana’s path find many transformational ways how to become more solid, more loving, more embodied in all ways and live life full of wonder and joy.



Let's Get Started

Get in Touch!

Location for Blazenka Sessions

Suite 3, Level 1, Eton Arcade, 754 Old Princes Highway, Sutherland NSW 2232

Location for Nanci Sessions

Suite 3, Level 1, Eton Arcade, 754 Old Princes Highway, Sutherland NSW 2232

Location for Carolyn Sessions

Suite 2, Level 1, Eton Arcade, 754 Old Princes Highway, Sutherland NSW 2232


0411 286 265