About Us

Hello! I’m Nanci

Kinesiology, Human Design, Crystal Balances & Reiki.

Available days: Mon/Fri/Sat/Sun 

sound bath


My Story

When I was a little girl, I used to play pretend, as many young children do. And whenever I was gazing off into the distance, I was usually imagining the future.

Where would I be? What would I be doing?

And in those imaginings, I was very different to who I was in the present. You see, as a child I viewed myself as quiet, as awkward, as boring.

But when I imagined myself, in the near and distant future, I was a completely different person. Talkative and witty and outgoing.

However, I had no plans to become this person. I hadn’t even fully known if that was the type of person that I wanted to be. To me, this person was an unattainable goal, good for fantasising about the future and nothing more.

And as I grew from a reserved child to a sullen teenager this theme in my life remained the same.

I felt, especially as a young teenager, that I had to be a certain way. Quiet and sullen and generally unhappy. These felt like they were the expectations people had placed on me, and in order to keep the world running smoothly, I would need to meet these expectations.

Recently, I discovered where this unhealthy attitude originated – a past life in which I lived a double life, with two sets of very different expectations that I needed to upkeep. This new knowledge has allowed me to be gentle with my younger self, reminding me that going through these stages of growth help us learn and grow and determine who we want to be.

Despite this being a recent insight, I began to change and develop much earlier. For me it was a gradual process, achieved via many Kinesiology sessions over a 5 year period. In that time I have untangled and released many sources of past life patterns and current life blocks that were impacting my life.

And, although I am nowhere near finished with my journey, I have become a person that I adore being, that I love – inside and out. And as I continue to grow and change, I plan to work to keep this new theme in my life.

I am also glad to say that I am not special, this ability and journey is not exclusive to me in any way, shape or form.

Creating the future you desire, as the person you want to be, begins with you, breaking past your self-imposed limits and releasing that which you no longer need.

Why wait? Your future is waiting.

What do you want it to look like?

What my clients say

Nanci was very professional, but also kind, compassionate and insightful. I found her services to be of incredible help to me and also very comfortable in her presence. Thanks so much.

Ellen M.

How it Works

Getting Started

Begin your journey towards clearing your blockages to allow you to flow into the person you want to be and the life you want to live. Choose the session that best suits your wants and needs – you can either book online or by contacting me directly.



We begin each session by sitting down together to discuss your goals and whatever you feel is holding you back from reaching them, allowing us to begin to get to know each other.


Session and Procedures

This section of the session with vary based on which type of appointment you have booked – you may be laying on the massage table for a Kinesiology or Transference Healing, you may be reclining in an armchair for a Past Life Regression, or you may be sitting up and absorbing the wisdom of a Tarot Reading.


Home Reinforcement

Throughout each session, I will be giving you pieces of advice, tailored to your needs, to help you reinforce the changes you have made during the session. These will be for you to take home and continue doing to help you in the next stages of your journey in between each session.

Contact Us!

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Visit (by appointment only)

Suite 3, Level 1, Eton Arcade, 754 Old Princes Highway, Sutherland NSW 2232

Phone: 0411 286 265