Transference Healing Beyond Doorways 1


Transference Healing

Transference Healing® is a seventh dimensional frequency healing and ascension process, which is advanced, multi-dimensional, works with the Lightbody and creates alchemy.


What is Transference Healing?

Transference Healing® is a seventh dimensional frequency healing and ascension process, which is advanced, multi-dimensional, works with the Lightbody and creates alchemy.

Transference Healing® as a modality combines Eastern and new etheric healing procedures with unique information and lightbody procedures to create a life-changing transformation, healing, empowerment and ascension experience at this vital time of Earth and human evolution.

Learn more Transference Healing® 

What is a Property Transference Healing Session?

A Property Transference Healing session is approximately between 1 and 1.5 hours long.

The frequency of our home has a massive impact on us – how we feel, think and act on a daily basis. If you feel that your home’s energy is not supporting your growth and well-being, Nanci has an option to help you: Property Transference Healing.

  • Nanci will need a general layout of your home/property, the age/year of when the property was built, or when you first moved in.
  • The energy healing is run at the appointment time.
  • Nanci contacts you to discuss the insights on the procedures and how they relate to you and your home/property
  • An Animal Card to help with raising your vibration of your space.
Transference Healing Beyond Doorways 1


What Happens in a Transference Healing Session?

A Transference Healing session is approximately 1.5 hours long.

  • Where you lay on a massage table or sit in a chair.
  • The energy healing is run without touching.
  • Some may feel like they go into a gentle meditative state.
  • Receiving insights on the procedures and how they relate to you
  • An Animal Card to help with raising your vibration.



2 Hour – In Person



With Blazenka

1 Hour – Distant



With Blazenka

1.5 Hour



Any Transference Healing Session with Nanci

*Prices will vary dependent on the practitoner chosen*

Who are we

Meet Our Practitioners

Learn about Blazenka

Kinesiologist, Past Life Regression Therapist, Transference Healing, Sound Healing and Reiki

Learn about Nanci

Applied Physiology Kinesiologist, Crystal Healing & Reiki

Contact Us!

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Visit (by appointment only)

Suite 3, Level 1, Eton Arcade, 754 Old Princes Highway, Sutherland NSW 2232

Phone: 0411 286 265